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Upper Primary

From 2nd to 5th grade, a transformative academic program to engage young minds and promote creative thinking—on a global and local scale

Spanning grades 2 to 5, the upper primary program builds upon the foundation laid in lower primary with a rich, interdisciplinary, world-focused curriculum. English immersion continues, with the addition of Portuguese language classes and Brazilian history, geography and social studies as part of the World Course. We emphasize:

Language immersion in English, setting students on the path to fluency

Portuguese language classes and an integrated Brazilian program

Inquiry-based learning in our global humanities curriculum


Developing and consolidating lifelong language skills

The immersion program continues from lower primary, with students learning most academic content in English, supported by two teachers per classroom. Portuguese language classes ensure that students reap the cognitive benefits of bilingualism, including enhanced executive functioning, better memory, and improved metalinguistic awareness.


An Avenues education enriched by Portuguese and the Brazilian national curriculum

From 2nd grade onwards, students develop academic language in Portuguese language classes. The World Course provides a global approach to the humanities while incorporating the Brazilian national social studies curriculum and the history and geography of Brazil. Portuguese language and literature follow the Brazilian national curriculum. Support for non-fluent Portuguese speakers is available in the form of small group and individual instruction.


The path to global citizenship, from nursery to 12th grade

Designed in collaboration with Harvard University, the World Course is a rich, interdisciplinary program of global studies that spirals throughout the Avenues curriculum from nursery to 12th grade. The World Course continues in upper primary, moving from self and community to the wider world: the city, the country, and the great civilizations of the world. The Brazilian national curriculum is woven into the World Course, with a focus on Brazilian history, geography


Developing confident readers and accomplished writers

The balanced literacy approach to English incorporates phonics and whole language to develop strong and independent readers, writers and communicators. Using a workshop model, teachers guide students through read alouds, small group instruction and word study. The approach allows for differentiated instruction to accommodate individual student needs and interests.


Fostering digital literacy and introducing creative computation

Our 1:1 iPad program enables students to access new knowledge and consolidate their learning with enriching age-appropriate activities. The addition of creative computation to the curriculum provides space for students to tinker, solve problems and learn from their mistakes while immersed in the language of code.

An Integrated Brazilian Program

Avenues is building a global network of interconnected campuses with shared educational objectives and common pedagogical approaches. But while our vision is ambitiously global, our focus is decidedly local. That means that at Avenues São Paulo, we take Brazilian educational standards as seriously as we do international ones.

By taking an integrated curricular approach to instruction in Portuguese and English, our students attain a balanced mastery of both languages and reap the extensive cognitive benefits of bilingualism. All of the Brazilian national curricular components of Portuguese are included in our language curriculum at each grade level. We do not see English and Portuguese as belonging to separate silos, but as two important facets of an Avenues education.

The Fundamentals

The upper primary curriculum focuses on inquiry, creativity and building community. The curriculum includes:

  • Reading, writing and spelling in English
  • Portuguese language classes from 2nd grade on
  • Science
  • Math
  • The World Course, incorporating components from the Brazilian national curriculum
  • Creative computation
  • Design Thinking
  • Music
  • Art
  • Wellness and Movement

A Global Curriculum for a World School

What do Avenues students learn? The Avenues World Elements table is our answer to that question. Designed by our research and development team, the Avenues World Elements is a global curricular system that defines the learning outcomes of Avenues students at all grade levels, at all our campuses.

Explore the Avenues World Elementsarrow


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